Monday, May 5, 2014

Little Mistakes

A bit of a downer post today, but I just need to work through some stuff so bear with me.  Also expect some foul language because I just feel like using it today. 

I'm feeling a little frustrated with myself because I'm making a bunch of stupid little mistakes. I hate it when this happens, especially since it enviably does. Just like in math, I've got the gist down and have everything right but then I have to go and make the tiniest fucking mistake and get the entire question wrong. I did it at my old job, forgot a couple of boxes in an aisle and missed a few details which got me in hotter water than I expected. And now I'm doing it again. 

I'm a smart individual. I know that. So, why do I constantly over-look things? I'm frustratingly absent-minded, constantly forgetting where I left something or having "blank-spots" in my memory where I can't quite remember where I put or any other details. It's getting me in trouble and I don't know how to fix it. The only thing I can think of is to have a physical list I have to check off to make sure I know what the hell I'm doing at my new job. Like a) made sure there were no dents or chips in windshield b)got keys from customer c)parked car d)hung keys up in proper place. 

I need to consciously remember exactly what I'm doing and it's hard to do. I wish I knew another way to stop fucking shit up. 

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