Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Giving up?

I know I wrote in a previous post (again, I'm too lazy to go back and figure out exactly which one) that I was going to make myself read a few books on Christianity as a last ditch effort. Now I'm wondering if I'm too far gone for that. I was talking to a few people about what I struggled with and as I described the Bible, it hit me that while I enjoyed the history, I hated the actual stories of people. To me it feels like mythology or a child's storybook. Some myth like Santa Claus that has been retold and dramatized to provide more entertainment for the viewing audience.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't look at Christians as brainwashed idiots for believing in it, I"m just telling you how I feel when I think of the Bible. I can't exactly travel back in time and prove or disprove all the stories in the Bible, so for all I know I could be the idiot.

My point is, how can I believe in a Christianity when I don't believe in its most important source? Is it even worth it to continue trying? I know, that as soon as you start thinking of giving up, it usually means you will, which concerns me. A relationship with God isn't worrisome, I find more comfort in that, but the Bible to me seems like a wall I can neither go over or through to reach Him. I suppose I'm very cautious and don't like placing my trust in a book. You can tell me God gave people the inspiration to write it, but people still wrote it, and then translated it, and translated it again and again. Not to mention over the course of history, how many parts of the Bible have been lost or added as filler or to further a political stance? People are corruptible and I have a hard time believing that the Bible has never been touched by that corruption.

I'm starting to think I'm a very negative person. Maybe because I've watched far to many crime shows, I've been left very wary of people. You know that "everyone is a suspect" line, I may have been taking that too literally...

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