Thursday, October 18, 2012

Doggy Withdrawal

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that when I moved I found myself missing my dog more than my family, not that I don't love my family. Well, it's been a few months and I still find myself missing him like crazy! It's horrible, absolutely horrible! I'm writing this very early in the morning because as I was lying in my bed, I couldn't stop thinking about my puppy. It is a little sad, I know.

It's gotten to the point where I see a dog in a movie or out on the street and I'll spend the next few hour lamenting on the fact that I don't have on. I just want to pet and hug and love a dog. I really, really do. Why, you ask, don't you just get a dog then? Excellent question random web user, because I'm currently living with some extended family members who are very against having a dog in their house or on their yard. Trust me, I've tried. And tried and tried.

I have the possibility of moving in with an aunt who would be for having a dog, however it's going to cost some money to get one from the shelter. Contrary to my child-like mind's belief, they are not free if you rescue them. You still need to pay for all the vaccinations and such that the dog received at the shelter. Stupid rules.

So, here comes the fun part that speaks to my desperation. I am going to get a job, save up a bunch of money and buy a dog. Not only that, but my groggy brain is now explaining to me that I'll have to move here semi-permantly (originally, it was just for a few months, but now I'm thinking a year or more) for my future dog that I have yet to hold in my arms and love. Here's why, because back at home my puppy is an anti-social, yappy idiot (that I adore!) who would probably tear a new puppy to shreds, even though he's a little guy. So, my brain has informed me that a longer stay would be required to train a new puppy before introducing it to the devil dog that I haven't been able to love or hug and is making me go through all this doggy withdrawal.

Stupid emotions making me miss things. I need a do so badly! It's so hard to get how desperate I am across to people. They take it as a joke, but it hurts so much not to have a dog to love. Honestly, I can't even look at dogs anymore because it makes me far too sad and just leaves me with the mantra "I need a dog, I need a dog, I need a dog" that never shuts up! I've gotten to the point of hugging cats! I hate cats! I even have a favourite now. It doesn't even have a name, but I like it better than the other black cat that hangs around this house. I really don't like cats, but I'll hug nearly any type of animal companion. Reptiles, insects and birds excluded. Pretty much any type of loving furry mammal I would take. Notice the pretty much, there are exclusions there.

Ugh! Help me, I need a puppy. This sucks!

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