Friday, February 28, 2014

A New Job

So, apparently that lasted roughly a day. In my defence, I have been busy. Yesterday, I went in for a job interview and was hired on the spot, which means that challenge is technically over. I also went to that university Welcome Night thing, which was ok. Didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know, but I still made it there.

I'm pretty sure I don't give myself enough credit for doing all that. I made it through some pretty awkward situations without running for the hills, and I don't really feel happy about it. I feel really anxious about that first day of work and the next university event. Like really anxious.

I'm very worried that this job isn't going to be a good one. Just because it's so unlike something I'd normally be interested in. Everyone I met seems really friendly and nice, and it looks like there'll be less pressure placed on employees vs the last job I had.

What worries me is just all the little social things you have learn. I know this sounds ridiculous, but there isn't really a specific place where employees park so I have to find a spot, then double check with someone to make sure its ok, and that really stresses me out. I hate those little things that you're unsure of, and although I know no one really cares or even remembers them, but I'm stressed about those tiny embarrassments.

I'll make it through it ok, it's just the anticipation and going through those experiences that kill me. In positive news, I did manage to hang out with and chat with a few people at the university thing. Other than the first ten minutes or so, I didn't really feel all that awkward. I also made it through quite a few little embarrassments with that job interview. They sent me to the wrong place, but I was very kindly directed to the correct spot. I made it through all those intact so that's saying something.

And most importantly, I went to both of those events without bailing or even thinking of bailing as a real possibility which is huge for me. Running away from something is my go-to reaction. Even when I was younger and got in trouble, I hide in closet to avoid facing it head on. Or like the time my mom got a ticket because my brother and I didn't have our seat belts on. I felt so bad I hid in my grandma's bathtub.

I would even say I'm pretty close to feeling proud of myself for not avoiding it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Happiness Challenge

Originally this post was going to be entitled "Why Basements and I Don't Get Along" and I was going to whine to you about how my future house will not have a basement (except a tornado shelter for when my sister comes to visit) because basements are a source of sleepiness and unhappiness for me. Probably due to the lack of sunlight.

However, after watching several TD Talks (because I hit my boredom level after practicing guitar, watching Looney Tunes and pinteresting for several hours), one in particular from Shawn Achor on "The Happy Secret to Better Work", I've decided to try something revolutionary for this blog. I am going to try positive blogging.

I know! How the hell am I going to do that? If you've read any of my past blog posts, you'll find only slivers of positivity usually because blogging is my way of venting frustrations and randomly thinking about things. Well, here's my plan: I'm going to attempt to set a goal. Now, usually my goals and I don't get along simply because I procrastinate to either set them or complete them. Tends to be a bit of both, I think. So, I give you permission to openly mock me if this goal falls through after three days.

Backstory time! I quit my semi-awful job a couple of weeks ago before I went on vacation. I'm now attempting to find another job and am struggling with a bit of frustration and anxiety. It happens when most of your day consists of Netflix marathons, Pinterest and microwaved meals. So, I feel bored, unhappy and stressed at the same time.

So, here's the goal. Until I get a new job, I will post something on this blog every day. The rule is as follows: every post must be positive. Even if I feel like crap and I tell you a sob story, I must list at least three positive things and the post must end on a happy note. (NOTE: I was going to add the additional rule of No Rants, but decided that I like ranting about random things, I'm just going to do it with a positive outlook now)

We'll see how this goes. Wish me luck, cross your fingers and send out a prayer because I will need it.

To begin the reign of positivity, here's a few tidbits. I've nearly caught up on the guitar lessons on Coursera. I may have had a solid fifteen minutes of frustrated crying over the weekend, but I did figure out how to play a chord and practiced reading music again.

In other news, I got accepted to university which is pretty cool. I'm going for a Bachelor of Arts and although I'm pretty nervous about it, I'm heading to a Welcome Night thing this week. So yay for me for trying to go!

I've also began story writing again. After such a long break, I'm not very confident that they'll be any good especially since I seem to be writing more for potential fame than for myself, so I keep working on the story concepts and reading articles like "Worst Story Openers" which I should never do because nearly every type of story opener is on there.

Besides, I consider writing to be extremely personal and, although I agree that you shouldn't use extremely over-used ideas like "Once upon a time" or the awful "it was all a dream" stuff, all you really need to know is grammatical and spelling rules for the most part. Everyone has their own preferences and it's always good to have people read it and give suggestions, but if I'd rather explore a character's internal struggles verses their outward appearance, I can totally shoot a "no thanks" your way.

Anyway, hope you have a good day. I will post something tomorrow with this new positive flair of mine, so stay tuned to see how that goes! :)