Well, it's now 5:19 in the morning where I am. I was sleeping just fine for the past 5 hours until...well, I don't know why. I just decided to get up and found a moth hanging around my bedroom door. Oh, great. I hate moths. They're pretty harmless, but I just don't like them. So, after debating if I should wake up my friend who happened to be in the next room again (a few days ago, I heard some rustling in the middle of the night and thought that it was someone breaking in. Then I realized that would be stupid, and thought a bunch of bugs were tunnelling into my room. That made me so not happy so I woke her up and she came into my room to check it out. It ended up being a moth stuck in my cheap, paper blinds. I think my friend just likes being up at 3am every morning) in order for her to kill it or if I should just suck it up and be a somewhat brave girl, I grabbed something and attempted to work up the courage to go close enough so I could kill it. By the time I did, the moth flew up into my light fixture and now I'm here beside my computer feeling like I don't really want to step into that room until the bug's gone.
Yes, I don't like bugs. Killing flies, mosquitos or spiders; I'm used to. Killing moths...not so much. And this is the second time this week that one's gotten into my room. Greeeaaaat. I don't know how they get in there. I keep my window closed and locked, and my door closed. There's no other way in! Unless they're some sort of super bug that has it out for me, but I don't know how that would work. Maybe some sort of evil genius is behind it. Either way, I'm up at 5am, wishing it was gone.
Well, Ill try to work up the courage to go into the room, because a girl needs her 9 hours of sleep. Wish me luck!
LATER: Well, my friend ended up waking up just as I was finishing this post, so she double check my room for my chicken-self. Apparently the moth flew out, so I did finally get to sleep. And no, I did not wake up my friend. She got up all on her own. :)